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Easily Make 100k (and more) Revenue in Your Esthetician Business

in one year


working less than 20 hours a week on clients.

If you’re a solo esthetician business owner, looking to make 100k+ in revenue a year while working less than 20 hours a week on clients then you already know that…. you need to sell products consistently, have a simple to understand program and deliver results.

BUT - this business plan? It can feel overwhelming.

Maybe because you think that selling products to each client will feel icky.

Selling products can feel full of pressure, salesy and uncomfortable.

Selling products can be a rambling mess where you go in detail about an ingredient and lose your client. 

Or maybe you feel like you have to do ALL THE SERVICES to make money. Niching down is terrifying because you will lose income  you need.



it's SO EASY to make 100k revenue in one year

  • Reason 1: It's simple math

    100k a year is 8k a month.
    If you see 12 clients a week and their service is $100 that's $1200 a week/ $4800 a month in services.
    If each client purchases $67 of products that's $800 a week/ $3200 a month in products.
    $4800 + $3200 = $8000

    (Click here to download the formula here to use in your business).
  • Reason 2: People Buy Skincare Products

    People are looking for skincare products to help their skin. Acne? They want it gone. Fine lines? They want them minimized. You make it easy for them to get results, they'll buy.
  • Reason 3: Niches are Profitable

    A reason estheticians don't make money is because they offer too many services and carry too many product lines. Product investment and backbar are expensive. Being clear about a product line you love and selling that (or mostly that) will make you much more money than carrying 3 different lines and having multiple services.
  • Reason 4: Getting Clients On Products They Love Will Create Easy, Passive Income 

    Once you have helped someone transform their skin, they will be loyal forever to you. I have many clients still buying skincare products from me every month and I haven't seen them in person in over three years.

3 Reasons Why You Haven’t Made 100k In Revenue:

Reason 1

You're working too hard

You believe that you have to be "fully booked" with 6-8 clients a day to make 100k in revenue. 

You're focusing on getting new clients to fill your books instead of getting new clients who want to buy products to fill your books.

If you sell skincare to most clients, you can make 100k in revenue working with 3-5 clients a day.

In my 1:1 personalized business coaching program, you will learn to believe that you sell amazing skincare products and feel confident selling them.

Reason 2

You hate selling skincare

Every time you sell skincare you feel icky, guilty and uncomfortable.

BUT you've been selling skincare wrong. 

In my 1:1 personalized business coaching program, you will learn how to sell skincare by being a human being.

Reason 3

You don't have a simple program

You may have too many services, offer too many things. 

AND you're confusing your client. (Or potential clients).

In my 1:1 personalized business coaching program, you will choose a niche - something you love to do - and focus on that instead. (If you already have a niche, we will figure out where the gaps are in your business so you can bring in 100k in revenue). 

Reason 4

You aren't marketing to your ideal clients

You're sharing other esthetician's posts or not doing anything at all on social media. You feel like it's all "been said before" and you don't feel like you have any original ideas.

Once we niche down your business, create your program, identify products, build your consultation, and your marketing will be so clear and easy to do.

You can do it.

I will teach you how.

I made 112k in revenue in my second full year as a business owner. 

Creating a business where you sell skincare to (almost) every client and while feeling good about it takes two things: a simple business plan and the belief you can do it.

The belief you can sell skincare easily, like a human? That takes time.

Setting up a simple business that has the right prices, clients and systems? That takes planning and intention.


Make 100k+ Revenue In Your Business 

working less that 20 hours a week on clients

When I first became an esthetician, I worked for an esthetician who had been in business for several years and just hit the 100k revenue mark the year before.

She worked all the time.

She took 8-10 clients a day.

She was booked months out.

She rarely sold products.

She was exhausted.

I wanted to have a 100k business.

BUT I knew I would get burned out working that much.

I learned how to sell skincare in an easy way.

I learned how to relate to my clients and build relationships - instead of convincing them they needed my products.

I niched down to acne and made myself a specialist - a specialist in the treatments and products. 

I created a simple, easy to understand acne program.

I mastered my consultation.

I learned how to create ongoing client relationships once they achieved their skin goals.

I learned how to market in an easy and sustainable way that had my current and future clients wanting more from me.

Make 100k Revenue In One Year is the ONLY program of its kind that…

  1. Teaches you how to grow a profit business working less than 20 hours a week on clients.
  2. Teaches you how to sell skincare like a human being.
  3. Helps you create a profitable niche.
  4. Creates an easy to follow, customized program for you and your clients.
  5.  Teaches you how to deal with the mental part of owning a business - working on mindset and proven techniques to change your beliefs.


So if you’re ready to finally make 100k+ without working 40 hours a week..

Here's how I'll help you get here:

I've created a six month private coaching program.

We will meet every week for 30 minutes, 1:1.

I will customize my coaching program just for you - to fill in the gaps in your business.

Already have a niche and skincare line you love? Great, you're already ahead of the game.

Need more time on marketing? No problem.

At the end of our time together you will know exactly what to do to build a 100k+ revenue business - and feel confident doing it.

Step 1

Pick Your Niche

It doesn't have to be acne! (But it can be).

Together, we will figure out what you want to specialize in. 

Picking a niche will help us laser focus on the product line you carry and services you provide.

  • Acne?
  • Age management?
  • Scaring?
  • Pigmentation?
Step 2

Choose Your Product Line

Yes, I said "product line." As in ONE product line.

Of course you can offer products from other lines, but we will choose the line you love best so you can build the routines you will sell.

We will focus on building easy to follow routines that will create the building blocks for selling.

Step 3

Identify Your Business Values

An important part of growing a sustainable 100k+ Revenue business is to have clear business values.

Values inform:

  • policies (late policies, product returns, refunds)
  • the why of your business
  • how to navigate tricky business situations
Step 4

Learn To Feel Good About Making Money

Often Estheticians feel guilty making money and helping people.

We'll work together to overcome your money mindset.

You'll learn:

  • how to make money in a way that aligns with your values
  • how to take off the "nonprofit" hat and step firmly into your business owner role
  • how to let go of money blocking beliefs
Step 5

Create Financial Goals and Savings

As you evolve your money mindset, we'll tackle some basic business financial fundamentals:

  • Profit and Loss
  • Revenue
  • Business Savings
  • Business Goals

(I promise it's not scary and you can do it).

Step 6

Create Your Program

After you've decided your niche and product line, we will outline what your program looks like.

You'll create:

  • a simple, easy to follow program
  • a program that is compelling and easy to sell
  • a program that aligns with your business goals and your business values
Step 7

Have Profitable Pricing

Have you thought about increasing your pricing but been afraid to do so? We will examine your current pricing and decide on a price that is best for your business. We then create a plan for how you will change your prices, if you decide to do so.

Step 8

Master Your Consultation

Consultations can be fun! And easy!

The reasons consultations feel hard if:

  • You over explain 
  • You're scared of selling
  • You're worried about needing to make money

You'll learn:

  • How to instantly develop trust with your client 
  • How to sell without attachment
  • How to explain what you do in an easy way
Step 9

Keeping Clients Coming Back

Client retention can be hard, especially when you are starting a new niche.

You'll Learn:

  • How to rebook clients easily
  • How to ensure clients using their products
  • How to create value in every appointment
Step 10

Create Sustainable Client Boundaries

You will get a workbook to guide you into deciding on boundaries that feel good to you, not what you see other estheticians do. You will learn how to lovingly say "no" to clients and honor your business needs.

You'll learn:

  • How to say "no" to clients
  • Scripts for tricky boundary conversations
  • Mindset help to navigate boundaries without being resentful
Step 11

Learn How To Manage Your Time

You will learn how to plan your weeks and days - in a way that is easy, fast and effective. You won't be overwhelmed with tasks anymore or feel like you don't get anything done.

You will create simple and easy business systems that will set your business up to support growth and more clientele.


Step 12

Create Sustainable Business Systems

As your business grows, it will be important to have simple systems that will keep your business organized.

You'll create easy to follow simple routines and systems in your business that will support you and not be "another thing to manage".

Step 13

Market To Your Ideal Client

You will learn everything you need to know about how to easily market in a way that feels authentic to you.

You will learn:

  • how to identify and attract your ideal client
  • how to identify barriers your clients may have to booking with you or getting results
  • how to build a relationship with you clients via social media
  • how to avoid common marketing traps
  • how to clarify your message
  • many, many examples of easy and successful marketing ideas!

Money Back Guarantee

I know you will love this customized business coaching program. If you are not satisfied with it, you have 30 days after your first coaching call to get a full refund.

You must have been to all assigned 1:1 coaching calls and completed every homework assignment to get the refund.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll in this 1:1 coaching program:

  • 24 private, personalized business specific 30 minute coaching calls
  • 6 months of 1:1 support via email (during business hours)
  • Step by step on how to:
  • pick a niche
  • pick a skincare line
  • develop an easy to follow program
  • master selling skincare authentically
  • have a profitable business
  • have boundaries with clients
  • have a healthy money mindset
  • create business systems
  • manage your time
  • manage your mind
  • retain happy clients (and much more!) 

First Step: schedule a free Discovery Call with me to see if you're a good fit for this program.

Schedule a Discovery Call

I'd love to chat in a 20 minute call. I'll learn more about your business, what you would like support in, and we can figure out if this coaching program is good for you.

Price is 6 monthly payments of $700 or one payment of $3,900.


Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for Make 100k Revenue in 1 Year

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll:

  • 24 private, personalized business specific 30 minute coaching calls. calls
  • 6 months of 1:1 support via email (during business hours)
  • Step by step on how to:
  • pick a niche
  • pick a skincare line
  • develop an easy to follow program
  • master selling authentically
  • have a profitable business
  • have boundaries with clients
  • have a healthy money mindset
  • create business systems
  • manage your time
  • manage your mind
  • retain happy clients (and much more!) 


First Step: schedule a free Discovery Call with me to see if you're a good fit for this program.

Schedule a Discovery Call

I'd love to chat in a 20 minute call. I'll learn more about your business, what you would like support in, and we can figure out if this coaching program is good for you.

Price is 6 monthly payments of $700 or one payment of $3,900.


How to know if you’re ready to Make 100k+ Revenue in Your Business:

  1. You're a solo esthetician business owner who’s just getting started and wants to do it right
  2. You're a solo esthetician business owner already struggling to make consistent income who wants to fix it once and for all
  3. You're a solo esthetician business owner who has tenacity and doesn't give up when things don't go as planned
  4. You're a solo esthetician business owner working over 20 hrs/week actively trying to make 100k in revenue
  5. You're a solo esthetician business owner that is afraid of the whole "money discussion" - with clients, with other people. You just want that part of business to go away but you also want to make money. 
  6. You're a solo esthetician business owner that is super excited at the idea of being able to only work with clients less than 20 hours a week AND make 100k in revenue
  7. You're a solo esthetician business owner that is ready to try new things, overcome mental hurdles and be willing to try and fail

If you said “yes” to at least 6 of the above, I can’t wait to coach you 1:1!

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

  • 24 private, personalized business specific 30 minute coaching calls. calls
  • 6 months of 1:1 support via email (during business hours)
  • Step by step on how to: 
  • pick a niche
  • pick a skincare line
  • develop an easy to follow program
  • master selling authentically
  • have a profitable business
  • have boundaries with clients
  • have a healthy money mindset
  • create business systems
  • manage your time
  • manage your mind
  • retain happy clients (and much more!) 

Schedule a Discovery Call

I'd love to chat in a 20 minute call. I'll learn more about your business, what you would like support in, and we can figure out if this coaching program is good for you.

Current price is 6 monthly payments of $700 or one payment of $3,900.