The Advanced Esthetician Mastermind

For estheticians who want to work on their business, and less in it
When you start your esthetician business your first focus is to get clients, build your books, and make money.
After that goal is reached?
You may not know what to do next.
You want to continue to grow your business, but you don't want to add more client facing hours.
How exactly can you do this?
My answer? However you want.
This mastermind will be a small group of other estheticians in your exact shoes.
They are booked, busy, and want more for their business. They aren't in the building phase anymore - they want to uplevel their business and make more money.
The Advanced Esthetician Mastermind is the ONLY program of its kind that…
1. Allows YOU to decide what you want your business to look like, not following industry standards.
2. Using proven mindset techniques to overcome obstacles, doubts, fears and challenges.
3. Weekly accountability and community building from a curated group of estheticians
4. 1:1 coaching in a group setting
So if you’re ready to finally do uplevel your business without working on more clients -
Apply for The Advanced Esthetician Mastermind
A Five Month Group Coaching Program

1st Focus
Vision Casting
The first part of the Mastermind we spend time really allowing ourselves to dream - what if anything was possible in your business?
We will create a clear vision of what you want.
THEN, we will take action towards what your vision.
It may not be what you thought it would be when you opened your esthetician business. Which is the most exciting, fun news ever.
Maybe Your Dream Is To:
- Hire another esthetician
- Close your books and raise your prices considerably
- Become a traveling esthetician
- Open multiple locations
- Become an esthetician instructor
- Private label or create your own products
- Create course for your clients or other estheticians
- Create a product (a t-shirt, apron, etc)
- All of the above!
2nd Focus
Intentional Beliefs
Starting anything (or changing something that has worked!) can be extremely scary and overwhelming. It's usually the reason we don't go after our dreams. We start, we get scared and overwhelmed, then decide to keep things as they are.
This is the key part of the success of the Mastermind - knowing what you want, not knowing how it will happen, and being ok with that. You will learn the mindset tools to help you navigate all the mental obstacles that stand in your way!
We will spend the majority of our calls looking at your beliefs around your business - your current business and your future business. Then, we will be intentional about our beliefs.
- Managing your mind (using a daily practice that will change how you approach your business)
- Business Planning - in a completely new way (vs trying to have it all planned out perfectly and being hugely disappointed when it doesn't work the way you had hoped.)
- Money (figure out what's blocking you with money, and releasing unhelpful money beliefs)
- Holding Space (learning to allow things you don't love about being a business owner in an energy of acceptance and not resistance)
3rd Focus
A Curated Community
When you build a business by yourself. it can be incredibly lonely. Your family, friends and maybe even esthetician colleagues don't really understand what it's like to own your business.
Community Focus:
- A curated group of other estheticians who run their business (or want to run their business!) from a different set of rules. (For example: they don't work weekends, charge their worth and make tons of money).
- A private Facebook group to post all challenges, fears, wins and obstacles and to get coaching.
- 15 Zoom Calls with an opportunity to get 1:1 coaching in a group setting and brainstorming.
- An optional (but highly encouraged!) 3 day retreat at a resort in Sonoma, CA (September 19-21) to connect, learn and have fun!