Do you want to make a change in your business?


Maybe You Want To Raise Your Prices

When you opened your business, you set your prices so they would be competitive. But now you have a steady stream of clientele and you are not making a lot of money. You're terrified that if you raise your prices you will lose the clients who helped you grow your business.


Maybe You Want To Change Your Hours

You've been taking clients outside of your "normal business hours" forever to accommodate their schedule. But now you really want to only work your business hours but you know your clients will be upset if they're not be able to get in.


Maybe You Want To Have More Balance In Your Life

You're always working. Replying to text messages, DMs, emails. You feel like you never have time off. You don't want to upset your clients by not responding to their messages AND you're desperate for more balance. 


Maybe You Want To Learn How To Stop Being A People Pleaser

You always say yes. Even when you mean no. You're afraid that if you say no your clients will leave you. You want to be able to say no and keep your clients coming back.


Maybe You Want To Make A Change But Aren't Sure Where To Start

We figure out what you need to do next in your business, and create a customized plan together.

Make A Change In Your Business!

In just 8 weeks

We will work together 1:1 to create a customized plan to make the change you want to make! Then, we will do it together. You will get scripts to say to clients, 1:1 help with you tricky situations, and support along the way.


The Process

Step One - The Plan

We look at what you've done in the past, and where you want to go.

You get a customized step by step plan on how to make the change you want.

Step Two - The Prep

Making a change in your business can be so scary - it’s probably why you haven’t done it.  You will learn to mentally prepare for the change (work on limiting beliefs, create backup plans) and get everything ready behind the scenes (make sure you are totally ready to go!). 

Step Three - Let's Do It!

Together, we make the change!

You will be supported every step of the way. If client is upset, and you don't know what to do or say, you will get the guidance you need.

Strategy & Mindset Work

The key to making a true change in your business is not just following a plan.

Yes, you could raise your prices on your own.

Yes, you could set boundaries with your clients.

Yes, you could make a change on your own.

BUT - the reason you haven't? You're afraid. You're afraid of messing up the good things you have going.

You're afraid of losing clients.

You're afraid of losing money.

You're afraid of losing your business.

Making changes without the mindset work is SO MUCH HARDER.

The mindset work is vital to creating lasting change in your business.

The What

Over eight weeks, we will have eight 1:1 private calls to discuss your business and to change the way you approach it. Each call is 30 minutes and completely personalized.




8 Private 1:1 Calls

Each Call is Recorded

Personalized Plan 

Unlimited Email and DM Access to Brittany over 8 weeks





8 Private 1:1 Calls

Each Call is Recorded

Personalized Plan 

Unlimited Email and DM Access to Brittany over 8 weeks


You will change your business in eight weeks

  • You will have a rock solid plan that you feel good about
  • You will roll out the change in your business in a way that feel authentic and aligned to your business
  • You will give your clients the value that they desire without burning yourself out
  • At the end of our time together, your business will be completely changed - guaranteed**


(**You must attend every call, and complete every assignment for this guarantee) 

"I just wanted to let you know, really I just want to thank you for everything that you’ve taught me and helped me with with coaching. I had a new client scheduled for a consultation and I was looking through her health form and I wasn’t sure she’dl be able to get results in the program - she’s a smoker, she’s on acne medication, she picks a lot… I really want to help her but I thought it will be hard. So I emailed her to ask questions to clarify, she gave me the answers and confirmed she does smoke. And so I really just sat and thought on it and I was typing out an email and I wanted to be clear that I still want to help her, but I wanted to be honest that it was going to be really challenging. And I almost sent you the email even though I know we’re not coaching anymore - I almost sent it to you just for feedback because I was nervous I was going to say the wrong thing! But then I was like, ‘No! Brittany taught me how to do this’… and I sent the email last night and I really want to thank you with everything you’ve helped me with - I feel so much more confident to handle situations like this, difficult conversations"

Hope Dalebroux
Owner of Hope Della Acne & Skincare

"Where do I even start? Let’s start from the beginning. After scrolling through Instagram one day, I remembered Brittany and how she was one of the first people to inspire me to get my acne certification with her “Boring Skin Club”. Around the time I got my Acne Certification i was SO interested in her Acne Specialist Coaching program. However, Brittany was on maternity leave and I was bummed and ended up putting it off. Fast forward to spring of 2021 when my business took off and i started to get burnt out within a year of business, yikes. This is when I reached out to Brittany after I felt like I couldn’t handle it anymore. I’m SO happy I waited to take this course I do truly believe timing is everything. Brittany has helped me grow not only as a business owner, but as a person. She is super organized, commutative and tentative which helped me out a ton with how crazy my schedule is. Her esthetician coaching program has really transformed how I run my business on paper and in the treatment room. She really helped me open up my eyes to all the possibilities and how they ARE achievable with the right mind set and supporting factors. If you are looking for guidance in what seems like a spiraling mess I highly recommend taking this course and reaching out to Brittany to see if she’s the right fit for you!"

Sophie Rivas
Beauty and Sophistication Owner

"I’ve always thought I had a pretty good mindset when it comes to business, but Brittany brought me to the next level. Every week that we meet left excited and inspired. She has changed the way I think and operate in my business. I’ll take what I’ve learned from her throughout the rest of my career. Thank you, Brittany!"

Molly Markland
Skin By Molly M

"I was just about two years into my business, totally overwhelmed, getting burnt out and feeling successful but also unhappy. I was scared to do things like hire help, enforce my policies or even work the hours I wanted to work. Within a few weeks of working with Brittany I had hired an office manager, went down a 22 hour “work week” while still making over $100,000 a year. The best part is she teaches you lasting skills. I love working with Brittany and plan to get into another program with her after some practice at the skills she has already taught me!"

Megan Wade
Owner of Simply Sugaring

Frequently Asked Questions

Nope! It's for everyone.

If you are looking for my Acne Specialist Program, you can find it here!

Yes and no.

Yes, I can help you in your business - help you get your business off on the right track by planning what you want to do and how you want to do it.

No, I won't take you step by step how to open a business.

And, this is a big investment for a new business owner. I often recommend newbies to listen to my free podcast until you earn enough money for coaching.


It is a customized, 1:1 coaching (aka consulting) program.

We work closely together to make the change together.

Click here to sign up! Then, after you do, you will receive a login email with a password to your portal. In the portal, you will see "schedule session" and you can schedule from there.

Email me: [email protected] if you can't find a time that works for you.

Let's chat! I may be able to help you, depending on what you need. Email me: [email protected] to figure out if we're a good fit.

Consider Me Your Business Therapist*...

Hi, I'm Brittany!

I opened my own esthetician acne business, BLH Beauty in San Diego in October 2017.

As a lifelong people pleaser, I found it so hard to navigate many parts of owning a business:

  • Saying "no" to clients who wanted an appointment during non business hours.
  • Charging clients no show and late fees.
  • Working 24/7 by always replying to messages and helping clients.

I spent a lot of time learning how to not only how to overcome these challenges, but also how to make money while doing it.

In 2019, BLH Beauty did over 100k in revenue, and I was seeing clients 12-15 hours a week.

I can teach you too.

I can teach you how to make the change you need help with making in your business AND help you will the feelings and fears along the way, (aka business therapy*)

*Not an actual licensed therapist, using this term as a description of therapy as a analogous term 

I Want to Work With You

I can't wait to get started.